IncontiLase - Tratamiento de incontinencia urinaria en Baltimore, MD

IncontiLase es un protocolo de tratamiento con láser para tratar la incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo (SUI). Women's Health and Cosmetic Services of Maryland se complace en ofrecer tratamiento para la incontinencia urinaria a mujeres que residen en Baltimore, Annapolis, Washington, DC y las comunidades circundantes de Maryland.

¿Qué es la incontilasa?

IncontiLase es un protocolo de tratamiento con láser para tratar la incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo (SUI). La pérdida involuntaria de orina durante la tos, los estornudos, las risas y / o el esfuerzo físico a menudo se debe a los músculos debilitados de la región del suelo pélvico después del parto vaginal, el aumento de peso o la menopausia. Sin incisiones ni ningún proceso de recuperación significativo, el procedimiento utiliza la energía térmica específica para estimular la producción de colágeno y elastina en los tejidos vaginales. La síntesis resultante de fibras de colágeno en el orificio uretral y a lo largo de la pared vaginal objetivo contrae y aprieta el tejido vaginal, lo que mejora el soporte de la vejiga y reanuda el control de la micción. Los resultados son casi instantáneos y los pacientes informan resultados a largo plazo.

What is Stress Urinary Incontinence?

La incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo (SUI) es un problema común en las mujeres que causa la pérdida involuntaria de orina al toser, estornudar, reír o realizar un esfuerzo físico como correr o subir escaleras.

IncontiLase - Ventajas del tratamiento de incontinencia urinaria

For a large majority of patients, a single session was sufficient to alleviate mild or even moderate stress urinary incontinence. If needed, the treatment was repeated after one month. No special pre-op preparations or post-op precautions were necessary. Patients could immediately return to their normal everyday activities. Additional advantages objective Q-tip and PFM measurements. 90% of patients with mild SUI and 76% of patients with moderate SUI needed just a single IncontiLase® treatment. In total, 95% of all patients were incontinence free 12 months after the treatment, while 5% still had mild stress incontinence.

¿Soy candidato para el tratamiento de incontinencia urinaria?

Ideal candidates for IncontiLase are female patients who experience mild to moderate stress urinary incontinence or SUI and mixed urinary incontinence. These are patients who may experience leaking when they laugh or stand up. The treatment works well for patients with busy schedules because it can typically be performed quickly with no recovery time after the procedure.

Patients will not have to make lifestyle changes leading up to the treatment and will only have to wait three to seven days before resuming sexual activity. Most patients require multiple treatment sessions to achieve the desired results. Patients treated with the therapy usually note gradual improvements. However, results and treatment regimens vary from patient to patient based on a number of factors.

How Does Incontilase Work?

Fotona’s 2940 nm Er: YAG non-ablative laser with proprietary “Smooth-mode” technology thermally affects the vaginal tissue, stimulating collagen remodelling and the synthesis of new collagen fibres in the region of the vestibule and urethral orifice, as well as in the area along the anterior vaginal wall. The final result of collagen neogenesis is the shrinking and tightening of vaginal mucosa tissue and collagen-rich endopelvic fascia and subsequently greater support to the bladder and the return of normal continence function.

What Causes Stress Urinary Incontinence?

Most Adults Can Hold Over 2 Cups Of Urine In Their Bladder. Stress Incontinence Occurs When The Muscles That Control Your Ability To Hold Get Weak Or Do Not Work.


  • The bladder and urethra are supported by the pelvic floor muscles. Urine flows from your bladder through your urethra to the outside.
  • The sphincter is a muscle around the opening of the bladder. It squeezes to prevent urine from leaking through the urethra.


When either set of muscles become weak, urine can pass when pressure is placed on your bladder. You may notice it when you:


  • Cough
  • Sneeze
  • Laugh
  • Exercise
  • Lift heavy objects

Benefits of IncontiLase Stress Urinary Incontinence?

  • Casi el 70% de los pacientes están secos después de 120 días.
  • Mejora de la incontinencia urinaria de esfuerzo (SUI) en todos los parámetros medidos 120 días después del tratamiento con IncontiLase
  • El 94% de los pacientes informaron una mejoría y el 68% de todos los pacientes afirmaron estar libres de síntomas de IUE.
  • Completamente no invasivo
  • No más planificación en torno a su vejiga débil.

Contacto los especialistas de Women's Health and Cosmetic Services of Maryland para analizar las posibles opciones de tratamiento. Servimos a los residentes de Baltimore, Annapolis, Glen Burnie y las comunidades circundantes de Maryland.

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