Urinary Incontinence in Baltimore, MD

La incontinencia urinaria no solo es molesta. Puede ser vergonzoso y, a menudo, provocar accidentes. Women's Health and Cosmetic Services of Maryland está ayudando a las mujeres ubicadas en Baltimore, Annapolis y Glen Burnie, MD, a recuperar el control de sus vejigas con un tratamiento para la incontinencia urinaria.

¿Qué es la incontinencia urinaria?

La incontinencia urinaria es la liberación involuntaria de orina. Es una condición que afecta a innumerables mujeres de todas las edades con síntomas que varían en severidad desde una fuga menor hasta el vaciado completo de la vejiga.

¿Cuánto cuesta el tratamiento para la incontinencia urinaria?

The cost for urinary incontinence treatment will vary depending on the specific treatment selected. During your consultation, all costs will be discussed, as well as any possible financing options, including CareCredit®.

Tipos más comunes de incontinencia urinaria

Stress Incontinence
Leaking urine during a physical activities such as, exercising or lifting or when laughing, sneezing and coughing. If your pelvic floor muscles, (vagina and supporting bladder ligaments) weaken, your bladder can move downward, pushing slightly out of the bottom of the pelvis toward the vagina. The urethra can lose its supporting tissue allowing it to move excessively. Either of these conditions can prevent muscles that ordinarily force the urethra to close from squeezing as tightly as they should. As a result, urine can leak into the urethra whenever there is an increase in abdominal pressure (e.g., during physical activities, when laughing, etc.). Physical changes resulting from pregnancy and childbirth, and low estrogen levels that occur during and after menopause, play a significant role in the development of stress incontinence. It is the most common form of incontinence in women and, in most cases, can be effectively treated.
Urge Incontinence
Feeling an overwhelming need to urinate that cannot be controlled. It can occur anywhere and at any time. Whether you are walking with friends, shopping or just sitting at home, if you suffer from urge incontinence you know it can strike at any time. It is due to inappropriate bladder contractions and there are a multitude of causes. Women's Health Services and Cosmetic Services of Maryland can help you.
Overflow Incontinence
Overflow incontinence is loss of urine from an overfull bladder. Most times patients with this disorder do not feel the sensation of fullness or are unable to empty the bladder due to an obstruction in the opening of the bladder. Patients with a neurological disorder or using medication that decrease the contractility of the bladder, or over the aggressive repair of the bladder during a prolapse repair complain of this problem. A complete evaluation along with information from Ultrasound, cystoscopy, and urodynamic testing is helpful in the diagnosis of overflow incontinence. Treatment in most cases is conservative and at times medication can be helpful. Surgical removal of the obstruction may be helpful in some patients. A bladder pacemaker can also be helpful in treating overflow incontinence.
Overactive Bladder
A bladder control problem doesn’t just mean that urine leaks out inappropriately. Uncontrolled, frequent bladder contractions can force women to make sudden trips to the bathroom throughout the day and at night. Estimates are that as many as 37 million people in the United States suffer from an overactive bladder. It can control your life.

¿Cuáles son los síntomas de la incontinencia urinaria?

Las mujeres que sufren de incontinencia urinaria suelen experimentar accidentes repentinos y frecuentes que afectan la calidad de sus vidas. Muchas mujeres se vuelven cohibidas y tienen miedo de salir en público, por miedo a experimentar una fuga. Los síntomas pueden incluir:
  • An intense and sudden urge to urinate
  • Feeling of inability to empty the bladder
  • Sudden leakage from laughing, sneezing, or coughing, also known as stress incontinence

What Causes Urinary Incontinence?

La incontinencia urinaria es una condición común para muchas mujeres mayores. Esto a menudo se debe al debilitamiento de los músculos vaginales y al adelgazamiento del revestimiento vaginal como resultado de una disminución en el crecimiento de colágeno. Cuando esto ocurre, la vejiga pierde la protección que tanto necesita ante el estrés o la presión indebidos de la tos o los estornudos. Otras causas de incontinencia urinaria incluyen afecciones médicas o de salud mental que interfieren con la capacidad de llegar al baño a tiempo.

¿Qué tratamientos están disponibles para la incontinencia urinaria?

At Women’s Health and Cosmetic Services of Maryland, we offer ThermiVa® to help control symptoms of urinary incontinence. ThermiVa® is a non-invasive treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to help tighten and tone the vaginal tissue and lining by inducing collagen growth. The new collagen helps to strengthen the vaginal wall, which, in turn, protects the bladder. Depending on the severity of symptoms, surgery may be an option to help close the urethra and control the flow of urine.

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de los tratamientos para la incontinencia urinaria?

El tratamiento para la incontinencia urinaria puede devolver a las mujeres la confianza y la capacidad de ir y venir sin temor a sufrir un accidente en el momento más inoportuno.

Who is a Candidate for Urinary Incontinence Treatment?

Anyone who experiences sudden accidents that leave them feeling embarrassed and self-conscious may be a good candidate for urinary incontinence treatment. Patience should be in good health and have realistic expectations.
Recupere su libertad de incontinencia urinaria con la ayuda de los Servicios de Salud y Cosméticos de la Mujer de Maryland. Contáctenos hoy para programar una consulta personal. Estamos orgullosos de servir a los residentes de Baltimore, Annapolis y Washington, DC y las áreas circundantes.
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